Haifa <> Weimar:
Exchange Project with the Music Department, University of Haifa
This Summer 2019, Yiddish Summer Weimar/Other Music Academy e.V., in cooperation with Hochschule für Musik Weimar, is offering an orchestral and - for the first time - a choir project for singers and instrumentalists up to 26-years-old with a good background in Classical, Jazz, Folk, or Early Music.
Jewish, Arabic, and European music are part of an often-overlooked historical, transnational cultural matrix, which the project will make visible once more. With reherasals and a social and cultural program both in Haifa and Weimar, the choir and the orchestra are going to develop an evening-length concert program dealing with the intersection of European, Jewish, and Arabic music and their mutual influences.
Up-to-date information, dates and application: www.caravanorchestra.eu
Sponsored by
The project "CARAVAN ORCHESTRA – A Transnational Journey of Musical and Cultural Discovery" 2017 was supported by a grant from the Stiftung Deutsch-Israelisches Zukunftsforum |
קרן פורום העתיד גרמניה- ישראל