Honors & Recognition

2018: Awarding of the Shimon Perez Prize of the German-Israeli Future Forum by Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas to the project "Caravan Orchestra"
>> https://www.dizf.de/deutsch/shimon-peres-preis/preisverleihung/index.html

2016: German Federal Cultural Foundation, General Project Funding
Grant to Yiddish Summer Weimar 2016 in the amount of 210,000 €.
>> http://www.kulturstiftung-des-bundes.de/cms/en/projekte/musik_und_klang/bobe_mayses.html

2013-2015: Support from the "New States" Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, for the development of the Other Music Academy
>> http://www.kulturstiftung-des-bundes.de/cms/de/mediathek/audio_und_video/interview_alan_bern_other_music_academy.html

2006-16: Atran Foundation
Project support for Yiddish Summer Weimar and Winter Edition.

2014: TFF Rudolstadt and MDR Figaro
Ruth world music prize for the project Alpen Klezmer (Andrea Pancur and Ilya Shneyveys)

European Union

For "The Other Europeans," one of 20 "best practices" projects in Europe "in favour of the Roma community"
>> http://www.roma-conference.eu/web/roma/projects

2009/10: Compass
To Yiddish Summer Weimar, one of 36 "most innovative, creative, effective and sustainable initiatives in support of Jewish life in Europe"

2009: Ehrenruth

Lifetime Achievement Award to Alan Bern & Brave Old World
>> http://www.weltmusikpreis.de/2009/ehren_1.html

2008: Deutscher Musikrat (German Music Council)
1st prize to other music e.V. in a national competition for intercultural, intergenerational music projects.

2005-09: Montreal Jewish Community/KlezKanada Foundation
Project support for Yiddish Summer Weimar and Winter Edition

2005-08: Forward Association
Project support for Yiddish Summer Weimar and Winter Edition.

European Union Culture 2000 Project Grant
For "The Other Europeans," in cooperation with KlezMore (Vienna) & the Jewish Cultural Festival in Cracow
>> http://www.theothereuropeans.eu/