Honors & Recognition
2018: Awarding of the Shimon Perez Prize of the German-Israeli Future Forum by Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas to the project "Caravan Orchestra"
>> https://www.dizf.de/deutsch/shimon-peres-preis/preisverleihung/index.html
2016: German Federal Cultural Foundation, General Project Funding
Grant to Yiddish Summer Weimar 2016 in the amount of 210,000 €.
>> http://www.kulturstiftung-des-bundes.de/cms/en/projekte/musik_und_klang/bobe_mayses.html
2013-2015: Support from the "New States" Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, for the development of the Other Music Academy
>> http://www.kulturstiftung-des-bundes.de/cms/de/mediathek/audio_und_video/interview_alan_bern_other_music_academy.html
2006-16: Atran Foundation (USA)
Project support for Yiddish Summer Weimar and Winter Edition.
2014: TFF Rudolstadt and MDR Figaro
Ruth world music prize for the project Alpen Klezmer (Andrea Pancur and Ilya Shneyveys)
2010: European Union
For "The Other Europeans," one of 20 "best practices" projects in Europe "in favour of the Roma community"
>> http://www.roma-conference.eu/web/roma/projects
2009/10: Compass
To Yiddish Summer Weimar, one of 36 "most innovative, creative, effective and sustainable initiatives in support of Jewish life in Europe"
2009: Ehrenruth
Lifetime Achievement Award to Alan Bern & Brave Old World
>> http://www.weltmusikpreis.de/2009/ehren_1.html
2008: Deutscher Musikrat (German Music Council)
1st prize to other music e.V. in a national competition for intercultural, intergenerational music projects.
2005-09: Montreal Jewish Community/KlezKanada Foundation
Project support for Yiddish Summer Weimar and Winter Edition
2005-08: Forward Association
Project support for Yiddish Summer Weimar and Winter Edition.
European Union Culture 2000 Project Grant
For "The Other Europeans," in cooperation with KlezMore (Vienna) & the Jewish Cultural Festival in Cracow
>> http://www.theothereuropeans.eu/