Final Concert
Instrumental Music Workshop (Intermediate)
July 18 Do 8 p.m. @Musikschule
Admission: 10 € / 7 €
>> Tickets online

Klezmer music is the most popular form of Jewish music in Europe and the United States today. Like all music cultures, klezmer developed from a rich variety of sources, yet already by the 19th century, it had taken on a unique and unmistakable form. In this workshop, we placed the music under a magnifying glass, listening carefully to the ornamentation, phrasing, scales, and the many other musical elements that make up the apparently simple façade of melody and accompaniment. The participants spent a week exploring ethnographic sources, rehearsing with their instructors and using scales, modes and other elements to better understand klezmer music and, ultimately, become better performers. Come hear the results of this process at this joint student-teacher concert.

Line up:

Workshop participants
Emil Goldschmidt (DK) - clarinet
Joshua Horowitz (USA) - accordion
Cookie Segelstein (USA) - violin

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